INVOLVE 4th generation graduation

INVOLVE, a key initiative to fulfill the SDGs.

The fourth generation of our international volunteering program (INVOLVE) has come to an end and we want to congratulate students for the successful completion of this stage, which is part of our commitment at Iberdrola México to the Sustainable Development Goals.

INVOLVE is an effort aimed at fulfilling the SDG 4, Quality Education, and positively contributes to the development process in communities where we are present through training in new technologies. Students learn to master critical programs and tools for their professional development.

Additionally, INVOLVE was designed bearing in mind to support low-income young people and thus fulfill SDG 10, Reduced Inequality. It is worth to mention that this was the first generation– which started to participate in the program in 2019 – carried out in Oaxaca, with cultural exchange among volunteers from different parts of the world and young people from the El Espinal municipality.

In addition to the academic side, cultural exchange among volunteers and students is invaluable, according to Karina Gomez, Coordinator of Social Responsibility at Iberdrola México.

“Since its arrival in Mexico in 2016, INVOLVE has filled our hearts with satisfaction as well as with joy because of the change in our lives brought about by this program”.

This INVOLVE edition was characterized by solidarity. The reunion at the virtual graduation was very touching as Jesus, a program student, said.

“I did not know what to expect the first day. It was not what the principal suggested, it was far better.  I am grateful that you have chosen El Espinal for this experience.”

Graduates in Oaxaca are full of energy to become change agents and deliver on all the goals they come up with in the future, so that together we may fulfill the SDG 17, Partnerships for the Goals, Building a Better World.

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