Outstanding participation of a Mexican children’s baseball team in the Mustang World Series

  • Mexican players Edén López and José Fernando Armenta were recognized as Winning Base Runner and Batter Champion, respectively.
  • The team covered its transportation expenses and got new uniforms to wear at the world series with Iberdrola México’s support.

Modesto, California, July 28, 2022.- The Ahome Municipal Children’s and Youth Baseball League in Sinaloa raised the name of Mexico by becoming sub-champions of the Mustang World Series Tournament in the sole category 9, held in Modesto, California.

In addition to the outstanding participation of the children’s team in this world series that came to an end on Monday, two Mexican players received a recognition: Edén “Speedy” López received the Base Runner award for his sprint from second to home in 6.6 seconds, while Fernando “El Topo” Armenta was named Batter Champion with a .878 percentage.

In the group stage, which included four teams from California, one from Texas and one from Mexico, the Sinaloa’s youngsters started their matches by beating Vacaville, CA, 10-7, and another extra-innings game by scoreboard of 14-13 beating the East Long Beach, CA, team, getting their way through the semi-finals. Then, the team lost to Placentia, CA with a score of 5-4.

At the semi-finals, the children from Sinaloa beat again the East Long Beach team, this time with a 7-4 score to get to the great finals in which the California’s Placentia team won by 17 runs to 7.

“The talent, effort and perseverance of these children just nine years old brought them to their first world series. I am very proud to guide them through this path which would have not been possible without the support of companies like Iberdrola México owing to the team’s lack of funds”, Julio César Rodríguez, the team’s trainer, pointed out.

In order to continue driving the children’s dreams, Iberdrola México strengthens its commitment to communities close to its plants, thus encouraging an active and healthy lifestyle. This once, the Mexican team consisting of 9-year-old children and three adults of the technical staff were supported by covering the costs of their uniforms and the travel expenses to the United States for the category 9 world series.

“From Iberdrola México we congratulate the kids for their excellent outcome in the world tournament. For the company, it is a priority to support communities as well as to commit to sports and a healthy lifestyle”, said Lorena Castillo, head of Exploitation Management at Iberdrola México in the Topolobampo region.

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