Semana Internacional del Voluntariado

If we get organized, we can all help

Do you believe that we can work together, help protecting the environment and make a social impact? We do, and therefore Iberdrola Mexico is joining forces with the International Volunteer Week involving the whole group.

Our volunteers participate in these activities virtually, enabling to get their families involved and learn new things together. We are also working with organizations such as Huella Sustentable (Sustainable Footprint), Sarape Social (Social Cloak) and Ectagono, who have helped us learn about the importance of caring for pollinators or how to make small changes at home to consume less water, reduce the amount of waste or reuse materials.

Honey Tasting with Sustainable Footprint (Huella Sustentable)

Hotels for insects with Ectagono

Local Challenge Discover Energy

Also, activities such as Dorsal Solidario combine sports with solidarity. That is, for every kilometer run, food is donated to the people who need it most. During this week’s activities we try to include everyone, with stories and poems being recorded this year for people with disabilities.

Would you like to take part in an activity?

This volunteer program is not open to the public for now, but here you have a couple tutorials for some of the activities we made, so you can do them from home and share the results in social media tagging @iberdrolamex.

  • Learn to do your own eco-covers

  • Learn to do an eco-bag

These are the results of the 2021 event

Benefited institutions
Direct and indirect beneficiaries
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